Accounting/Human Resources Manager
Melissa C. Spratt
Melissa Spratt

Melissa C. Spratt

Melissa Spratt serves as the Accounting/Human Resources Manager for Landmark. She works in the headquarters’ office in Newark, Delaware, where she is responsible for Accounts Payables and Receivables, and HR matters.

Melissa earned a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degree in Accounting at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD, and also earned an A.A.S. accounting-focused degree from Cecil College in North East, MD.  Melissa brings over 23 years of experience in the civil engineering industry and has a vast knowledge of accounting and financial principles applicable to the civil engineering sector.

Melissa and her husband reside in Elkton, Maryland, where they raised four children and now enjoy being grandparents. She enjoys hobbies including painting and water sporting fun with the extended family. One of Melissa’s greatest attributes is the love of learning new things and sharing the knowledge with others. <read more about Melissa>

“I am a firm believer that each day you are leading by example, and that whether you realized it or not, whether it’s positive or negative, you are influencing those around you.”

Melissa C. Spratt

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